Cucumis - Servizio gratuito di traduzione on line
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Lingua originale
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Risultati 6661 - 6680 su circa 20584
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13Lingua originale13
Inglese Characters-plausible-translation
Before accepting a translation, check that there aren't any comments or multiple translation choices in the main translation as it would corrupt the [1]ratio between the numbers of characters by language[/1]. If needed, edit and move the comments or the less plausible translation choices into the "%s" field of the form.
%s is the name of a form field. [1] and [/1] must surround the translated text, they will be replaced by a link. Field is in the context of text box, input box for an html form.

Traduzioni completate
Portoghese Certifique-se-comentários-alternativas
Olandese Verhoudingen-opmerkingen-geloofwaardige
Turco Olmadığını-seçeneklerini-taşıyınız
Italiano Principale-danneggiare-traduttive
Esperanto Proporcion-transprenu-kredeblajn
Catalano Significacions-comentaris-traducció
Tedesco Buchstaben-plausibel-Ãœbersetzung
Svedese Bokstav-trolig-översättning
Spagnolo Traducción plausible de caracteres
Arabo حروف-ترجمة-معقولة
Russo Знаки-возможный-перевод
Rumeno Caractere-traducere-plauzibilă
Ebraico תווים-סביר-תרגום
Bulgaro Знаци,възможен превод
Greco Χαρακτήρες-πιθανή-μετάφραση
Serbo Karakteri-verodostojan-prevod
Danese Tegn-alternative-oversættelser
Finlandese kirjaimet-uskottava-kääntäminen
Giapponese 文字、妥当な翻訳
Cinese semplificato 字符-似是而非-翻译
Albanese karekter-i mundshem-perkthimi
Polacco Znaki - wiarygodne - tłumaczenie
Norvegese Bokstaver-mulige-multiple
Coreano 문자들-적은-번역물
Ceco Znaků-pravděpodobné-překladu
Persiano حروف-پذیرفتنی-ترجمه
Slovacco Pomery-poznámky-vierohodné
Afrikaans Karakters-aanneembaar-vertaling
Hindi अक्षरों-संभाव्य-अनुवाद
Vietnamita Trước khi bạn
Lingua originale
Inglese Brazilian Portuguese
Brazilian Portuguese

Traduzioni completate
Arabo برتغالية-برازيلية
Tedesco Brasilianisches-Portugiesisch
Spagnolo Portugués brasileño
Turco Brezilya Portekizcesi
Giapponese ブラジルのポルトガル語
Albanese Portugjeze-braziliane
Italiano Portoghese brasiliano
Bulgaro Бразилски-португалски
Rumeno Portugheză braziliană
Polacco Portugalski brazylijski
Catalano Portuguès-brasiler
Olandese Braziliaans Portugees
Ebraico פורטוגזית-ברזילאית
Cinese semplificato 葡萄牙语-巴西
Russo Португальский (Бразилия)
Svedese Portugisiska brasilians
Cinese 巴西葡萄牙語
Esperanto Brazil-portugala
Ungherese Brazíliai portugál
Finlandese Portugali-Brasilia
Greco Πορτογαλικά Βραζιλίας
Serbo Portugalski brazilski
Danese Portugisisk-brasiliansk
Croato Portugalsko-brazilski
Coreano 브라질 포르투갈어
Sloveno portugalski (brazilski)
Estone Brasiilia portugali keel
Inglese Brazilian-portuguese
Ceco Brazilská portugalština
Norvegese Portugisisk-brasiliansk
Slovacco Brazílska portugalčina
Hindi पुर्तगाली–ब्राज़ीली
Persiano پرتغالی-برزیل
Bosniaco Brazilian-portuguese
Curdo Portekiziya-Brezîlya
Lituano Portugalų (Brazilija)
Klingon Brazil Portugal Hol
Irlandese Portaingéilis (na Brasaíle)
Afrikaans Brasiliaans-portugees
Nepalese ब्राजिलियन-पर्तुगिज
Thailandese บราซิล ภาษาโปรตุเกส
Lingua originale
Inglese It's been a long time since you logged in
It's been a long time since you logged in on cucumis. We guess that you are not interested anymore in your requests. If you don't log in within DDD days, your requests will be removed.

Traduzioni completate
Russo Прошло много времени с момента вашего последнего посещения
Spagnolo Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde tu última conexión
Cinese semplificato 距您上次登录已有很长时间
Tedesco Es ist schon lange her seit deinem letzten Login
Polacco Od dłuższego czasu nie zalogowałeś się
Rumeno Nu v-ati mai logat de mult timp
Turco En son giris yapmanizdan beri uzun zaman gecti
Svedese Det var länge sedan
Italiano È passato molto tempo dal tuo ultimo accesso
Finlandese Viimeisimmästä kirjautumisestasi on jo pitkä aika
Croato Odavno se niste ulogirali
Greco Δεν έχετε συνδεθεί για ένα μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα.
Danese Det er lang tid siden du sidst loggede
Serbo Dugo niste bili ulogovani
Cinese 您已久未登入
Bulgaro измина много време
Portoghese brasiliano Faz algum tempo desde que a última vez que você fez log in
Ucraino Минув тривалий час з вашого останнього візиту
Olandese Het is lang geleden dat je ingelogd hebt
Catalano Ha passat molt temps des de la teva última connexió
Portoghese Faz já algum tempo desde que a última vez que você fez log in
Ungherese Sok idö telt el az utolso làtogatàsod ota
Esperanto Estis multe da tempon ekde via lasta ensaluto
Giapponese 最後にログインしてからかなり時間が経っています
Arabo لقد مضى وقت طويل منذ أن سجلت دخولك
Lituano Jus ilgai nesijungete
Francese Cela fait longtemps que vous ne vous êtes pas...
Bosniaco Odavno niste ulogovani na Cucumisu
Ebraico עבר זמן רב מדי מאז התחברת לקוקומיס
Albanese Ka kaluar mjaft kohë që jeni futur në Cucumis
Norvegese Det er lang tid siden...
Estone it's been a long time since you logged in..
Coreano 오랜기간 로그인하지 않으셨습니다.
Latino Tamdiu abusque ultima conexione tua est
Slovacco Ubudlo dost času predtym, než ste sa prihlasili
Ceco Již jste se dlouho nepřihlásil.
Lettone Ir pagājis ilgs laiks
Klingon jaj law' juSuchbe'
Islandese það er liðinn nokkur tími síðan þú skráðir þig inn
Persiano مدت زیادی از ورود شما می گذرد
Indonesiano Telah lama sejak anda terakhir login
Georgiano თქვენ დიდი ხნის წინ გაიარეთ რეგისტრაცია
Irlandese Is fada é ó logáil tú isteach ar Chucumis.
Afrikaans Ons het lanklaas van u gehoor.
Malese Masa agak lama sejak anda mendaftar masuk
Thailandese คุณไม่ได้เข้าสู่เวปไซค์ cucumis เป็นเวลานานพอสมควรแล้ว
Hindi आप एक लंबे अरसे के बाद लॉग इन कर रहे हैं
Vietnamita đã từ lâu rồi bạn không đăng nhập
Lingua originale
Inglese Warning, translation not yet evaluated
Warning, this translation has not been yet evaluated by an expert, it might be wrong!

Traduzioni completate
Italiano Attenzione, traduzione non ancora valutata
Esperanto Averto, traduko ankoraÅ­ ne taksita
Portoghese Atenção, tradução ainda não avaliada
Portoghese brasiliano Atenção, tradução ainda não avaliada
Francese Attention traduction non encore évaluée
Bulgaro Внимание, преводът все още не е оценен
Serbo Pažnja, prevod još uvek nije ocenjen
Ceco Pozor, překlad ještě nebyl ověřen
Danese Advarsel, oversættelse ikke evalueret
Greco Προσοχή, η μετάφραση δεν έχει ακόμη εκτιμηθεί
Croato Pozor - trenutno neocijenjeni prijevod
Cinese 請留意,本譯文未經審核
Giapponese 警告、この翻訳は評価されていない
Cinese semplificato 警告,译文未经评估
Rumeno Atenţie, traducerea nu a fost încă evaluată
Catalano atenció, aquesta traducció encara no ha estat avaluada
Spagnolo Cuidado, la traducción aún no ha sido evaluada.
Finlandese Varoitus
Ungherese Figyelem a forditàs még nem lett elbiràlva
Tedesco Achtung, Ãœbersetzung noch nicht ausgewertete
Russo Предупреждение: этот перевод еще не оценен
Arabo تحذير، لم يتم تقييم الترجمة
Turco Dikkat, çeviri henüz değerlendirilmemiştir
Olandese Opgepast: Deze vertaling is nog niet
Svedese Obs! Översättningen ej utvärderad
Ebraico אזהרה
Macedone Внимание , преводот сеуште не е отценет
Polacco Uwaga, tłumaczenie nie zostało jeszcze ocenione
Ucraino Увага
Lituano DÄ—mesio, vertimas dar nepatvirtintas
Bosniaco paznja prijevod jos uvijek nije ocijenjen
Albanese Vërejtje, përkthimi ende nuk është vlerësuar
Norvegese Obs! Oversettelsen er ikke...
Estone Hoiatus, see tõlge pole veel üle vaadatud..
Slovacco Pozor, preklad ešte nebol prekontrolovaný
Coreano 경고! 이 번역물은 아직 평가되지 않았습니다.
Bretone Diwallit
Frisone warschau, översetzung net överprooft
Latino Curate! Translatio nondum aestimata!
Faroese Ávaring, umseting ikki enn mett
Lettone Brīdinājums.
Klingon yIyep. ghItlhvam'e' mughlu'bogh wej chovlu'.
Islandese Aðvörun, þýðing ekki enn metin
Persiano اخطار، ترجمه هنوز بررسی نشده است
Curdo Miqate be,ev wergêriya hin ne rastkiriya
Indonesiano Perhatian, terjemahan belum dinilai!
Georgiano გაფრთხილება, თარგმანი არ არის ჯერ შეფასებული
Afrikaans Waarskuwing, vertaling is nog nie ge-evalueer nie
Irlandese Seachain, aistriú nach bhfúil luacháilte
Malese Amaran, terjemahan belum disahkan
Thailandese คำเตือน, คำแปลนี้ยังไม่ได้ถูกประเมิน
Urdu خبردار، ابھی تک ترجمہ کی تصدیق نہیں ھوئی
Vietnamita chú ý,lời dịch này vẫn chưa được định lượng
Azero Bu tercüme heleki giymetlendirilmeyib.
Tagalog Babala, ang pagsasalin ay hindi pa nakakalkula
10Lingua originale10
Inglese Automatic translation tools
Users who copy/paste translations from automatic translation tools (very easy to detect), will surely be banned from the site.

Traduzioni completate
Portoghese Ferramentas automáticas de tradução
Russo Автоматический перевод
Spagnolo Herramientas de traducción automática
Cinese semplificato 自动翻译工具
Tedesco Automatische Ãœbersetzungswerkzeuge
Olandese Automatische vertaalhulpmiddelen
Rumeno Intrumente automate de traducere
Turco Otomatik çeviri araçlari
Svedese Automatiska översättningverktyg
Italiano Strumenti di traduzione automatica
Greco Εργαλεία αυτόματης μετάφρασης
Danese Automatiske oversættelsesværktøjer
Catalano Eines de traducció automàtica
Serbo Automatski alati za prevodjenje
Bulgaro Недопускане в сайта
Ucraino Автоматичний переклад
Portoghese brasiliano Ferramentas automáticas de traduções
Finlandese Automaattiset käännöstyökalut
Ebraico כליי תרגום אומטי
Croato Programi za automatsko prevođenje
Esperanto komputora tradukiloj
Giapponese 自動翻訳ツール
Ungherese Automatikus fordítóeszközök
Cinese 自動翻譯工具
Albanese Mjetet automatike të përkthimit
Arabo أدوات الترجمة الآلية
Polacco Automatyczne narzędzia tłumaczące
Bosniaco alati za automatsko prevodjenje
Francese Outils de traductions automatiques.
Norvegese Automatiske oversettelsesverktøy
Estone Automaatsete tõlgete seadmed
Coreano 자동 번역도구
Lituano AutomatinÄ—s vertimo priemonÄ—s
Ceco Automatické překladače
Slovacco Automatické nástroje na prekladanie
Persiano ابزارهای ترجمه خودکار
Indonesiano Alat penterjemahan otomatis
Lettone Lietotāji, kuri kopē un ieliec tekstus
Mongolo Вэб хуудасны орчуулах хэрэгслийг ашиглахыг хориглоно
Afrikaans Masjienvertalings
Thailandese เครื่องมือแปลอัตโนมัติ
Sloveno Avtomatska prevajalna orodja
Vietnamita Công cụ chuyển ngữ tự động
Lingua originale
Inglese 5000 members
[b]M[/b]ore than 5000 members have registered with and it's the opportunity to remind that without its members is nothing. Thanks to the members who spend part of their spare time for the community and [b]a special thanks to the experts of cucumis[/b], who check and edit all translations to make them as good as possible.
Waiting for the 10000th member, there is a lot of work to do here, making the interface more clear, the search of translations more easy, developing the project section, and the language course section too...

[img=]Top chart: number of members. Bottom chart: number of new members each day[/img] [img=]Members by country[/img]

Traduzioni completate
Portoghese 5000 Membros
Portoghese brasiliano 5000 membros
Bulgaro 5000 члена
Italiano 5000 membri
Tedesco 5000 Mitglieder
Francese 5000 membres
Olandese 5000 leden
Spagnolo 5000 miembros
Arabo 5000 عضو
Russo 5000 участников
Turco 5000 üye
Ebraico 5000 מנוים
Catalano 5000 membres
Rumeno 5000 de membri
Cinese semplificato 5000会员
Giapponese 登録メンバー5000人
Esperanto 5000 anoj
Albanese 5000 anëtarë
Svedese 5000 medlemmar
Lingua originale
Inglese 2 years old!
Happy birthday Cucumis!

46000 members so far, 5000 visitors and 100 translations done everyday. A strong community is born with a common interest in languages.

A huge thanks to experts, administrators and members contributing everyday.

I can't list all the improvements made to the site since the last blog entry. As the experts are the core of the system, all has been done, and will be done to make their work easier. And by the way... we need more experts!

Everyday I'm amazed by the fantastic people we meet on cucumis and that is the true victory!

All the best!
English experts don't hesitate to correct my bad english as this text will be published on the news section. Thanks ;)

Traduzioni completate
Ebraico יום-הולדת שנתיים!
Portoghese brasiliano 2 anos!
Italiano 2 anni!
Russo Нам 2 года!
Francese 2 ans !
Portoghese 2 anos!
Turco 2 yaşında!
Tedesco 2 Jahre alt!
Olandese 2 jaar oud!
Ungherese Boldog szülinapot Cucumis!
Danese 2 år gammel.
Greco Δύο χρονών!
Bulgaro Честит рожден ден Cucumis!
Catalano 2 anys!
Polacco Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji drugiej rocznicy!
Cinese semplificato 我们两岁了!
Finlandese Kaksi vuotta jo!
Arabo عامان من العمر
Svedese Grattis 2-Ã¥rsdagen Cucumis!
Rumeno 2 ani!
Albanese Dy vjetori!
Giapponese 二歳になりました!
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